Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Ramblings....dream deferred

Dream Deferred (ramblings)

Antsy; jumpy; constantly moving....these are all terms that describe how I feel right now. I don't know why, but I feel like I can jump out of my own skin. I have so much energy and want to do so much but I don't have the time or finance to do all that my jittery mind and body wish to do.

I want not to be alone in my life. My child is getting older and will be leaving my house soon, then I will be alone...so so alone. I don't know what I would do with my life. I have lived thus far to keep her safe, happy, fed, and dressed. Now, as her dependency wanes, I have no ideal what do do in my growing free time?

I know I'm way ahead of myself, but I still am no where, where I want to be in my life. I am not anything I expected I would be. Dream deferred, I don't even remember what I dreamed for myself. I think at this point good health is a great start, but my new dream would be to learn to date again, and however that works these days. :/ Technology has kind of killed the face to face interaction. I would like to eventually own a house and have a halfway decent car. I would also like to control my own work schedule and have money save to travel when ever my heart fancied. To travel the world would make me the happiest and my ultimate dream would be to buy and own my own tropical island and escape from the tragedy and drama of the world.

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