Tuesday, November 10, 2015


It breaks my heart that my child is struggling in one class because the teacher won't meet her halfway.
We were recently homeless and being in such a situation students don't have access to alot oc things the teacher requires for class. For example this teacher posted article of the weeks online and asked all students to print them off do them and turn them in by the end of the week. Prior to this I pretty much handwritten letters to all of my daugher's teachers explaining our situation as well as asking them not to penalize her due to our situation.
This one teacher wether she is playing dumb or not continuously even after request from my daugher gave her the articles printed a day before the due date not allowing her extra time to complete it like her classmates. This teacher continued do this even after being asked by my daugher at the beginnig of the week. Now that the semester is windig down and my child is only failing this class she is beyond stressed.
I am so angry this happened to my child that I don't know what to do. It's really not her fault that she is failing, in this case the teacher failed her.
I am starting to understand why children are discouraged and want to drop out my high school. Where are the quality teacher?

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