Friday, August 31, 2018


So, what have we reduced ourselves to these day? Why is this screen and very other screens our prison? 
Well, anyways...I am single, yes, you heard right. I haven't approached the dating scene at all in this modern day and age because it all seems superficial and fake. Why, because people hide behind their devices and I'm sorry but I don't want to date your device or what visual image you are trying to portray.
Why did I chose this subject this morning? Well, I have an Instagram page which I keep private and only share with close friends and family because it is my life on display. I share such things that people whom do not know me don't need to know nor would they find it interesting, because I lead a normal life with no extravagant ventures and what not so my Instagram is what I say would be boring compare to those whom share their life adventures with the world. 
With that being said some guy whom looking through his Instagram following trolls Instagram to pick up girls. I happen to be on his radar the other day. I allowed him to follow me and I followed him in return only to block his follow after he allowed me to follow him because well hey, he had much of nothing on his profile description and I swear I pour my heart out on my mine (at least have caption to my Instagram). Mind you this guy is hot with a capital H and I'm thinking there is no way this guy wants to follow my boring ass life, low and behold he sent me a message. I responded cordially thinking maybe this is someone from my past that I don't remember. Nope, he is a complete stranger to me and he just wanted to holla and because I'm nice and I don't mind polite conversation indulge in the conversation for a bit. I'm a nice person and I don't mind talking to people so I figured what's worse that can happen from this? 
Well, I will have to keep you all posted on that because our conversation was interrupted by life on both sides. Hey, maybe I will make a new friend, not really looking to make this a "relationship on a sexual" level if that's what he's looking for. Friends are cool with me.
Why can't I ever meet people in real life like they come to me over the internet? I am not as scary as I appear in person. Maybe I just exude too much confidence. Oh, well I am not going to dim my light for anyone. Well, not anymore!

Really I don't care for those whom, try to create hollow relationships over the internet to hide their true selves. I am true to myself on here and in person. I have absolutely nothing to hide. Try can message me via Instagram blue_j79, anytime. 

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